Gun Crime Defense Attorneys | Combining Proven Experience With Unwavering Dedication

Whenever a gun is involved in a crime, the important players in the criminal justice system — that is, the prosecutor, judge and jury — are bound to take the allegations more seriously. Guns imply the use (or threat) of deadly violence. The current anti-gun climate and strict gun control laws make these cases all the more challenging. It is not enough to simply know the law. Your attorney must also know how to approach the case with a tactful and thoughtful strategy to ensure that you receive fair treatment.

At MSPerryLaw, we offer just that: a powerful combination of knowledge, experience and strategy. Our gun crime defense attorneys devote their careers to criminal law. Two of our team members are former Florida prosecutors who offer a deeper perspective into handling violent crimes. With decades of combined experience, we have what it takes to navigate high-stakes charges.

We will bring to your case not only a wealth of skill and experience, but also an unwavering focus on defending your rights and freedoms.

Why Gun Crimes Are So Serious

Crimes that involve guns almost always come across as more serious than those that don't. From a legal perspective, the use of a gun can make certain crimes harsher, turning what would have been a misdemeanor into a felony. Use of a gun can also harm your case at sentencing.

You can turn to our gun crime lawyers for more specific guidance on your situation. We handle all types of firearm-related charges, both state and federal, including:

You need only pick up the phone and call 941-365-4000
anytime, day or night, to get started with a free initial consultation. Our office is conveniently located near the courthouse in Sarasota.