The word "rape" carries a powerful connotation. In everyday language, it suggests use of force and aggression against an unwilling victim.
Statutory rape, though, often doesn't fit that image. Technically called sexual battery, statutory rape occurs when a minor is not considered old enough to legally consent. Typically, these charges are filed when there is a significant age gap. Yet you might find yourself facing charges for conduct that occurred in a committed relationship with a boyfriend or girlfriend.
When Consent Doesn't Matter
Statutory rape charges often seem so harsh because both parties considered the sex consensual. In the eyes of the law, consent doesn't matter. Florida law says that minors under age 18 are unable to consent to sexual conduct.
Exceptions do exist when the other person is close in age. But given the complexity of the law, it can be difficult in the moment to discern where exactly those boundaries lie.
We've Served As Prosecutors And Defense Attorneys. Put That Experience To Work For You.
Statutory rape charges can be extremely serious. They carry the negative social stigma of a sex crime. You could end up with a felony conviction and a lengthy prison sentence. You might also be forced to register as a sex offender — a designation that will follow you for years.
With your freedom and future on the line, seeking qualified legal guidance should be your top priority. Contact MSPerryLaw in Sarasota for a free consultation to discuss your options. We will do everything we can to reduce the fallout from damaging accusations. Leveraging nearly 40 years of combined experience — including experience serving as prosecutors — our defense lawyers will explore every possibility for protecting your liberties and reputation.
At MSPerryLaw, we view cases from all angles — through the eyes of the judge, jury and prosecutor — to anticipate the best course of action.
Call Anytime, Day Or Night
We are available 24/7. Call 941-365-4000 or 1-800-FIGHT-IT
to start strategizing your defense with the help of our legal team. Our defense attorneys handle statutory rape charges throughout the Sarasota area.