Bradenton Prostitution and Solicitation Charge Lawyer
Prostitution and solicitation crimes are no longer exclusively street crimes. Rather, this business is increasingly conducted on the Internet. If you have been charged with any type of offense involving prostitution or being an escort, it is important to have experienced legal advocacy to protect your rights and defend you vigorously against the charges.
Experienced Attorneys Fighting for You
At the southwest Florida law offices of MSPerryLaw., our founding attorney has been a criminal law attorney for 20 years. As a former prosecutor, he can anticipate how the other side will respond to motions and negotiations seeking dismissal or reduction of the charges. Our attorneys include who have investigated numerous cases herself and knows how investigations should be conducted.
Penalties for Prostitution
We defend clients against charges of being a prostitute, compelling another to be a prostitute, operating an escort or prostitution ring, sex trafficking, and using the services of a prostitute. The penalties for these offenses include jail time, sexually transmitted disease testing, probation and fines and vary depending on the number of prior convictions. The nonlegal penalties are just as important and can include significant damage to your standing in the community, your family and your career. Whether the offense is charged as a felony or a misdemeanor also depends on the number of previous convictions. Having a lawyer with knowledge of prostitution law can help you understand the possible penalties and the options available for your defense.
Investigating Your Case
We investigate these cases carefully to ensure that our client was correctly charged and that all evidence against him was obtained legally. We explore the possibility of an entrapment defense if you offered or solicited sex from an undercover officer. We ensure that the police read you your rights and that your arrest was conducted properly.
Contact attorney Michael Perry online or call 941-365-4000 to schedule your free initial consultation to speak with a Sarasota prostitution defense lawyer.